Google News Alert for: "ufo sighting" - USA by Roger Marsh, UFO Examiner Recent UFO sighting statistics suggest that one particular Pennsylvania region ranks highest among low-population counties ... | |
UFO in Her Eyes by Xiaolu Guo Times Online - UK As everyone involved with the UFO sighting is rigorously and repeatedly, and often intrusively, interviewed, a picture of the hard-bitten lives of the ... | |
Another UFO is sighted - or is it pie-in-the-sky? Hamilton Advertiser news - Scotland,UK The 28-year-old was speaking about the incident after the Advertiser reported earlier this month how the Ministry of Defence had probed a UFO sighting in ... | |
Lack of space sees exhibits hidden away South Devon Herald Express - Torquay,England,UK ... it could get more people to come to see us. "We are also appealing for anyone in Torbay with UFO sighting information and paraphernalia to contact us." | |
Skeptical Inquirer - USA The crash came in the wake of the first modern UFO sighting, witnessed by private pilot Kenneth Arnold on June 24. Arnold's string of "flying saucers" may ... |
Google Blogs Alert for: "ufo sighting"
Stunt Dirt Bike Riders...!!! Ya Gotta See This to Believe It ... By Jerrys_Menu National Geograph...ic Channel - Police Confirmed UFO Sighting 18-Feb-09. Rated 4.60 | 10 Views | Hulu. National Geographic Channel At first, police mocked the 911 call about the UFO sighting--but then they saw it too. ... Metacafe - New Videos - |
UFO /ET News, The Paranormal -The Real World - First knowledge ... By The Real World UFO CLOSE UP ITALY · Phoenix Lights UFO sighting MSNBC- Saturday · Orange UFOs over Sydney, Australia-UFO has nothing... ► Feb 22 (2). Ufo Hunters - Alien Crashes · UFO in Poland - fast disappearing ... UFO /ET News, The Paranormal... - |
More UFO News « Dad2059's Webzine of Science Fiction, Science Fact ... By dad2059 Possibly related posts: (automatically generated). UFO Spirituality · Oops! UFO World Update (November 2008- updated regularly) · Recent "Dorito" UFO sighting (UK) = triangular ufo…..update ... Dad2059's Webzine of Science... - |
Florida UFOs: UFOs and Aliens in Space By worldufospace Denmark releases all its Ufo Files · UFO Sighting In My Florida Town · History Channels UFO Hunters Coming to Gulf Breeze... New Sighting In Florida 01-22-09 · Alexander's wet blanket · Florida Couple Reflect On UFOs and EBEs after Expe ... Florida UFOs - |
UFOs Found in Real TV Broadcasts By Al R, Norway (Scandinavia) U.S. President Bill Clinton's UFO Files Grant Cam... U.S. President Ronald Reagan Alluded to an Alien T... U.S. President Jimmy Carter's UFO Sighting, Octob... U.S. President Harry S. Truman's UFO Revelation in. ... UFOs Found in Real TV Broadcasts - |
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